
YouTube Preview ImageHeather Hiles is the founder and current CEO of Pathbrite™, formerly called Ripplesend. 







Pathbrite™ provides an e-Portfolio platform in which users can build and create a masterpiece of their personal data like school projects, performance video clips, and resumes – the usual stuff.  Pathbrite™ differentiates itself from others by insisting that users own their own data and ensures the security of private information such as school transcripts. Google Chrome is needed. It appears to be free of charge for individuals. The finished product can then be ‘transferred’ to Twitter® or Linkedin®.

Over the past 15 years, Ms. Stiles has held many leadership roles, as founder or CEO/COO, of mainly educational organizations. She earned an MBA from Yale and also sits on the board of several other organizations including the Liberian Women’s Sewing Project. She appears to be a very active, energetic, intelligent go-getter – a true entrepreneur!

Other members of her team include very well-educated, well-rounded, like-minded individuals with many years experience working for companies such as Cisco, McGraw Hill, Veritas and Skype!

I have often thought of the limitations of my college’s e-Portfolio platform in that students only have access to it for one year post-graduation. Pathbrite™ offers service to institutions for a fee and promotes its benefits for things like accreditation – a process that I am currently up to my neck in.

This is not a venture that I would be personally interested in leading; however, I can certainly see how great ideas are generated by having knowledge of something that is currently “out there” and improving upon it.


Posted in: Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp